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Marsh Mellow Springs
Marsh Mellow Springs
Marsh Mellow Springs
Vibration Isolation Design Manual
Vibration Isolation Design Manual


Marsh Mellow™ is the trade name of the fabric and rubber spring developed by Firestone Industrial Products in the early 1970’s. Rubber springs have long been a subject of interest in the vehicular suspension and industrial application fields because of their reliability, corrosion resistance, low cost, and basic simplicity. The concept has been tried with varying degrees of success over the years. The major obstacle to solid rubber springs has been that to obtain the load requirements for many applications, solid rubber springs were either physically too large, or became unstable laterally when they were made long enough to provide good isolation. The concept of “stacking” rubber springs answered the latter problem, but introduced the need for complicated mechanical guide systems to control the lateral movement.

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Posté le 29/03/2023 09:19
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